• Sexta, Abril 7, 2023

Dear Valued Customer,

We thank you for using our Biz365 service. We are grateful for your continued patronage.

We would like to inform you that our Yeti Cloud user nodes version update is going to be performed to the latest. Our Cloud Engineers and experts will be performing the up-gradation task on the Yeti Cloud Platform. This upgrade will help us to fix the existing bugs on our platform.

The activity date and time decided to perform this activity are mentioned below:

Scheduled Date and Time: From 8 PM Friday, 7th April 2023 to 8 PM Saturday, 8th April 2023. Similarly, the other date for this activity is, from 8 pm Friday, 14th April Friday to 8 PM Saturday, 15th April 2023.

During this activity, we do not expect any downtime. However, there might be downtime required on the customer node if online migration gets failed as we will perform this task by vacating the nodes. Looking forward to your kind cooperation as our team will contact you for downtime if required. In case you find your services not working during/after maintenance, do let us know immediately.

You can contact our support team via Email, Phone, Skype, or Viber at your convenience.

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